
The Florence Neighbors was designed to reflect the name of your neighborhood so that you could easily remember and identify with it. Florence Neighbors was crafted specifically for you, with all of your neighborhood needs and interests in mind and serves as a means to bring all Florence, AL neighbors together.
Please enjoy Florence Neighbors and use it often. Remember, Florence Neighbors is absolutely FREE and was designed exclusively for you and your neighbors!
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You will find information for the Shoals on Real Estate, Foreclosed Homes, Auto Price Quotes, Merchants, Home and Auto Insurance, and Home Remodeling Quotes on our Florence Neighbors WEBSITE .


September 21st - International Day of Peace

The United Nations' International Day of Peace - marked every year on September 21 - is a global holiday when individuals, communities, nations and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace.

During the month of September, many events are dedicated to promoting world peace. This day will serve a reminder to all peoples that...our permanent commitment, above all interests or differences of any kind, is to peace. Celebrations are as simple as sitting in silent meditation and lighting a candle at noon to participating in a larger concert or forum.

International Day of Peace

Peaceful Relaxation

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